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We welcome the opportunity to share these valuable experiences from current and former clients. If you would be interested in connecting with an Infinite Connection Graduate family to learn more about their experience, please let us know.

"Besides giving birth and becoming a parent, nothing else has changed my life so quickly and for the better except for the miraculous experience of working with Miss Megan.


She is truly a gifted guide who speaks the language of baby and is passionately devoted to serving her clients with a high touch approach customized for each family, leaving you feeling deeply supported, in charge, and for the first time in months, deliciously well-rested.


We should all be so lucky as to have someone like Miss Megan to care for our children, helping to foster their lifelong confidence, resilience, and most importantly, trust in those who are closest to them"


- Abrah, New York, March 2023

“Miss Megan has been indispensable to us ever since she sleep trained our first baby. She has a unique capability to understand children and offer insightful, practical solutions. She has been my go-to for everything: from sleep issues and choosing the right educational toys to breastfeeding or even finding a natural solution to deal with a cold. She also baby-proof our apartment. What really makes her unique is that she understands every issue from a child perspective and never offers cookie-cutter solutions. She guides you to create solutions that will work for your child and your family. I can not recommend her enough for all things related to raising children.”


- Ana, New York, May 2018

"Meg's [Ebb & Flow Sleep Method] is so gentle, we were able to begin while waiting for and going through our 17 month son's ear tube surgery. It is also so effective that we saw immediate improvement and lasting results even with colds and teething. Meg helped us night wean, grow in confidence as parents, and, most importantly, allowed the whole family to finally achieve restorative sleep after a year plus of sleep deprivation. 


We found Meg and her philosophy when we were at our breaking point. Our son needed so much support to sleep that my husband and I took turns holding him through the night, with him waking every 2 hours. We did not want to do any sort of Cry-It-Out method, but we also desperately needed help for things to change. Enter Meg and her near-miraculous attachment based, zero CIO philosophy! Her philosophy and scaffolding are so well thought out and easy to follow, but working with Meg one on one is truly the reason this philosophy brings such success and improved sleep. Meg is SO knowledgeable in child development and helps parents understand the how's and why's of her philosophy so that the child is fully supported in his/her process towards choosing sleep. 


Our son responded much better than I ever anticipated, with very little crying. Whenever he was crying, we were right there with him, supporting him through the process. Now bedtime takes 5 minutes, and we are all much better rested and happier! We can't thank Meg enough!"


- Laura & Zack, Arizona, April 2023

“I was a little skeptical. I had tried the CIO method previously and it was not sustainable. Everytime we would travel, we would have to start all over again.

My 8 month [old] went from waking up 5-6 times sometimes even more at night to sleeping 12hrs straight. Miss Megan’s Method works if you follow all the steps. A little tough the first 2 nights but it gets better with the passing of each day. My little one started sleeping through the night after a week!”


- Ney, USA, February 2021

"As a psychiatrist I’ve been exposed to many different sleep methodologies, both within my medical training and as a parent on my own quest to help my children with their sleep. After speaking with Miss Meg in our initial consultation I knew our family should work with her. She’s incredibly knowledgeable, personable, and she addressed every one of my concerns in a way that incorporated our family’s routines and values. I was so confident in her philosophy that I signed up both of our children (2 years old and 4 months old) to work with her. 


Working with Miss Meg has given my husband and me the tools and strategies to support both of our children through all of life’s expected and unexpected changes, including developmental leaps, travel, and teething. Our eldest now goes to sleep on her own, when I previously had to sit by her bed until she fell asleep which often took over an hour. Our youngest has slept through the night consistently since we started working with Miss Meg.  


We saw substantial changes in both kids’ sleep after 1 night with Miss Meg’s guidance. Impressively, her philosophy is one that the kids enjoy - our eldest has incorporated different aspects of it in her playtime during the day with her own dolls (she also adores Miss Meg and loves calling her the “sleep teacher”). 


Miss Meg has always been readily available, and her in-the-moment coaching over the baby monitor has helped me feel confident and supported in moments that I previously found quite challenging. I refer to her fondly as “the baby whisperer” to friends and family, as her decades of studying and working with children are evident from day one. We’re so grateful for her and her incredible philosophy."


- Virginia, Tennessee, January 2023

“As a dad of twin girls, it had recently been a struggle to get both of the girls to bed at the same time. This training was structured very well and built on the fundamentals learned each day. Miss Megan helped us to get a better understanding of what the girls are feeling/thinking as they are still less than 2 years old and not able to communicate clearly which made the techniques very practical and sensical (after we had learned what was actually going on). The training and techniques to get them to bed have been so helpful and were very easy to learn and follow. With both my wife and I following the nightly steps and techniques, we have turned what was once a long (45min to 1 hr at times) and frustrating process, to putting them to bed in less than 10 minutes. They also seem to sleep better/longer and wake up happier which is a win-win! Miss Megan provides great feedback and really helped us along to realize our dreams, earlier every nite ;-) I was skeptical of the training initially, but it has turned something that was a long, arduous struggle into something that we all look forward to. Thank you Miss Megan!”


- Bryan, USA, April 2020

"After having success with sleep training, I hired Miss Megan for Potty Training my 20 month old and had incredible success in just 3 days!!!  I had no intention of hiring anyone but when I first tried the training on my own, it was a disaster filled with tears and fear so this time I was not going to wait any longer to get help.  It's been a month since the training and we have had no issues.  She even initiated in the swimming pool!  Megan used a gentle approach tailored to my daughter and set her up for success as opposed to what I was planning to do after reading "Oh crap its potty training" book. I read the book which has some great techniques but the approach was not working for us.  Megan told me to buy a few items from amazon and we set up three potty stations around the house for easy access.  I also requested Megan to bring her  4 year old daughter as I thought that would be fun and a great way for us to learn and it worked really well. Megan also made a special photo book catered to my daughter's training that we read every day. I am honestly shocked that this is even possible and saved me so much time plus it was actually fun!!!   This is the best money ever spent and I would 100% do it again if we had another!!!”


- S.K.S., New York, July 2019

“I stumbled across Megan's page and even though hiring a sleep consultant was something we hadn't considered, we went for it because the reviews gave me hope she could help us, too. I'm now elated to be one of those reviewers, because it is the best investment we have ever made - we have our sanity back, and it feels like peace has descended on the house now that bedtime is no longer a daunting, frustrating task. Despite our daughter teething and having a cold today, as I type this she is napping soundly after choosing to fall asleep in less than 4 minutes. Four. Minutes.


Our 14 month old had an array of sleep issues, starting from birth. Nursing to sleep, waking up through the night, needing to be held during naps, taking hours to fall asleep, etc. She is incredibly persistent so any methods we tried on our own were totally unsuccessful, which left the whole house exhausted, helpless, and frustrated. I'm pretty sure even our cat was feeling the strain.


Megan's methodology is firm on consistency, but flexible across nearly every dimension. I felt comfortable that her guidance was coming from what my daughter individually needed and responded to, not some rigid one-size-fits-all regimen that we read about in so many books. It was loving, supportive, and she even made sure our daytime babysitter was on board and knew what to do.


Thank you, Megan, for giving us our lives back”


- Malia, New York, January 2019

Begin your family's journey with Infinite Connection Academy.

Schedule a free discovery call with Meg, your world-renowned expert in child development, pediatric sleep, hygiene independence, and mindful parenting.

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