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The Infinite Connection Philosophy

Parenting never came with a manual UNTIL NOW!

Meg developed Infinite Connection as a trust-based, play-based, (inner) child-led philosophy built to empower individuals to achieve personal and collective growth.
Infinite Connection’s offerings break down into three main aspects:
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Shepherding the

Through Infinite Connection, Meg has curated all of the resources you need to parent easily and with confidence. Her scaffolding approach will allow you to tap into her knowledge base to streamline your parenting journey. 

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Parenting the Child & Reparenting Yourself

Through Infinite Connection, Meg brings together a community of mindful parents, serves as an accountability partner, and provides a customized curriculum that empowers both parents and children to confidently live a life of Infinite Connection. 

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Personal & Professional Development

Through speaking engagements and retreats on early childhood education, attachment-based mindful parenting, and diversity, equity, and inclusion, Meg gives families an in-house opportunity to integrate her wisdom.

Meg says:

“The root of everything I do is empowering families and supporting the child in developing an internally-referenced sense of security, so everyone can gain the courage to honor each other’s sovereignty and fulfill their life’s purpose(s).


I developed my philosophy by challenging the status quo. It just didn’t make sense to me why you’d care and respond to your child all day, but when night comes, you’re told to ignore them for longer and longer periods of time, or flat out not go back in until morning which ultimately breaks trust with the child.


I have simply realized that trust, predictability, and consistency create a sense of security. This means that when you’re 100% responsive to your child, but without getting trapped in the room, they will realize they are safe and will choose to stop crying. In this way, my philosophy builds emotional resilience and anti-fragility in babies and children by teaching them coping mechanisms, and how to self-regulate through co-regulation, not through cry-it-out. 


I’ve always had a passion to work with children for as long as I can remember. Through my years working with thousands of families, I witnessed parents projecting their mind-made limitations and intergenerational trauma onto their children and each other, and saw the child embodying and emulating those same beliefs as they grew.


In turn, I created a philosophy and a scaffolding for individuals to more effectively connect and communicate with children and each other, so everyone can fully realize their potential and have infinite connection in all their relationships.”

Begin your family's journey with Infinite Connection Academy.

Schedule a free discovery call with Meg, your world-renowned expert in child development, pediatric sleep, hygiene independence, and mindful parenting.

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